
inspires change

Barbara Januszkiewicz *

Key Contributions


Requirements Engineering Journal (2019)

Garuso: A Gamification Approach for Involving Stakeholders Outside Organizational Reach in Requirements Engineering

First author

Dissertation (2018)

Garuso: Stakeholder Participation beyond Organizational Limits

IEEE 25th Int. Requirements Engineering Conference (2017)

Behind Points and Level - The Influence of Gamification Algorithms on Requirements Prioritization

First author / Presented in Lisbon, Portugal

IEEE/ACM 10th Int. Workshop on Cooperative & Human Aspects of Software Engineering (2017)

Tailoring Gamification to Requirements Elicitation: A Stakeholder-Centric Motivation Concept

First author / Presented in Buenos Aires, Argentina

1st Int. Workshop on Requirements Prioritization and Enactment @REFSQ (2017)

End-User Driven Feedback Prioritization


5th Int. Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems @RE (2015)

Uncovering Sustainability Requirements: An Exploratory Case Study in Canteens

First author / Presented in Ottawa, Canada

ICT Innovations for Sustainability (Book Chapter, 2015)

Gamification and Sustainable Consumption: Overcoming the Limitations of Persuasive Technologies

First author

ICT Innovations for Sustainability (Book Chapter, 2015)

An Information System Supporting Cap and Trade in Organizations



Interview (2018)

On energy efficiency and sufficiency through and in IT (link)

In: Verband Schweizerischer Elektrizitätsunternehmen VSE

Interview (2010)

On Yoga insights

In: infosan by Similasan No. 7/10

Book Contribution (2009)

On Yoga therapy

In: “Das Grosse Yoga - Therapiebuch” isbn: 978-3-86616-149-8 (translated to English in 2011 in “the Big Book of Yoga Therapy” isbn: 978-1-907498-82-4)


Publications & Media







* based on the original quote by Barbara Januszkiewicz